Named one of Indianapolis 15 most prominent coaches, Marcia has launched many individuals who now have successful careers, and speaking to organizations about living out of their core values, She leverages more than 20 years in leadership assignments. From co-owning a national telecommunications company, 5 years in a global leadership organization, and coaching and consulting leaders for over 15 years she is passionate about people and process. The returns on investment are the testimonies from her clients and the changes in their circles of influence, both in their respective professions and in their personal spheres; more energy to focus on making better decisions which lead to profitable solutions. Her clients are able to navigate and ride the constant currents of change with pro-active measures and the power of their choices and the confidence of their reclaimed voices. Marcia’s clients include a range of highly regarded physicians, CEO's, corporate and non-profit executives, engineers, Butler MBA professional students, and those seeking new career roles.
Marcia is a modern day Renaissance woman who believes in the both/and. She has married her successful background in professional singing both in Europe and as a recitalist with her love of relationships which led her to organizational life . She is a published author with essays in the Servant-Leadership Journal and Servant-Leadership, Feminism and Gender Well-being, as well as a collection of sacred music on CD entitled, "My Song is Love Unknown." She is a holistic thinker, interested in the whole person and her other interests include expressive therapies, traveling, decorating, floral arranging, and setting beautiful tables.
Gonzaga University - M.A. Org. Leadership, Organizational Leadership, Management
Purdue University - OLS Leadership Studies Professional Certificate
Indiana University - B.A General Studies/Leadership & Music
Named one of Indianapolis top 15 coaches 2023
3500 hours of coaching executives, physicians, professionals
CPC, Liscenced Facilitator Corporate Coach U
Consultant and Physician Coach, Vital Work/Life; over 150 providers
Positive Intelligience Trained
Executive MBA Coach, Butler University,
Adjunct Faculty, Purdue School of Organization and Leadership, IUPUI
Woman Owned Business; DBE, WBE and SAM Certified